Pestie Pest Control Review

  • Overall Rating:  
    empty starempty starempty starempty starempty star   4.5/5
  • Products & Services:  
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  • Cost:  
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  • Ease of Use:  
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  • Customer Support & Reviews:  
    empty starempty starempty starempty starempty star   4/5

Our Review

Pestie is an alternative to traditional pest control that offers 2 plans as part of their services. One is for your pets and the other is for your home and yard. Their home service is their primary product so we focused our review on what that involves for you and your home, while also doing some general research into their pet products.

Regarding Pestie’s home program for pest control, they offer a subscription-based service that delivers pest control products directly to your door. Overall, Pestie is a good, cost-efficient choice for do-it-yourself pest control if you’re in the market for routine and preventative maintenance. But note that if you have a large bug problem or infestation – Pestie won’t work. Pestie costs about $196 per year.

Try Pestie Pest Control Service Today!

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Pestie Products & Service

empty starempty starempty starempty starempty star   4/5
  • Offers DIY pest control more effective than over-the-counter treatments
  • Doesn’t offer treatment for bed bugs or termites

Pestie is a pest control service that delivers chemicals and pest control products directly to your door for you to assemble and administer in or around your house. It’s subscription-based and is typically delivered directly to your door throughout the course of the year, or when bugs become especially prevalent. Note that while it is not a solution for existing bug infestations, it is a great solution for prevention and management.

To start, you’ll receive everything you need to control pests in and around your home, including a reusable, one-touch sprayer, professional-grade pesticide, an application mixing bag, and a detailed guide on how to use it all.

A product shot of the Pestie Control Plan unboxed on a table.

As mentioned, you can choose a year-round plan with Pestie, and if you do – you’ll receive a starter shipment immediately to establish your bug barrier. The next shipment, depending on where you live, will arrive in late winter/early spring. It’s called the Pre-Hatch Shipment and it comes with what you need to prep your home before eggs, larva, pupae, and adult bugs emerge and hatching season begins. Another shipment will arrive in late spring called the Spring Barrier Builder Shipment. These products will help you strengthen the bug barrier around your home since bugs become more active when the weather starts getting warmer. The last shipment for the year will arrive in mid to late summer. The Peak Season Shipment is designed to keep your home protected from the peak mating season for bugs.

Normal Pestie shipments are designed for homes up to 4500 square feet. If your home is larger, Pestie offers the Pestie XL plan to cover homes up to 7500 square feet.

What Bugs Does Pestie Kill?

Pestie pest control treats for more than 100 pests and bugs:

  • Acrobat Ants
  • Ambrosia Beetles
  • American House Spider
  • American Cockroach
  • Anobiid
  • Aphids
  • Argentine Ants
  • Army Worms
  • Asian Needle Ants
  • Azalea Caterpillars
  • Bagworms
  • Bark Beetles
  • Bees
  • Beetles
  • Black Turfgrass Atanius (adult)
  • Black Vine Weevils (adult)
  • Black Widows
  • Blue or Green Bottle Flies
  • Bluegrass Billbugs (adult)
  • Broadmites
  • Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs
  • Brown Recluse
  • Brown Soft Scales
  • Budworms
  • California Oakworms
  • California Redscales
  • Cankerworms
  • Carpenter Ants
  • Carpenter Bees
  • Carpet Beetles
  • Cellar Spiders
  • Centipedes
  • Chiggers
  • Chinch Bugs
  • Cigarette Beetles
  • Clothes Moths
  • Clover Mites
  • Cluster Flies
  • Cockroaches
  • Common Ants
  • Confused Flour Beetles
  • Crazy Ants
  • Crickets
  • Cutworms
  • Daddy Long Legs
  • Dark Rover Ants
  • Darkling Beetles
  • Dermestids
  • Earwigs
  • Eastern Tent Caterpillars
  • Elm Leaf Beetles
  • Elm Seed Bugs
  • European Fire Ants
  • European Sawflies
  • Fall Webworms
  • False Powderpost
  • Field Ants
  • Fire Ants
  • Firebrats
  • Flea Beetles
  • Fleas
  • Flesh Flies
  • Flies
  • Forest Tent Caterpillars
  • Fruit Flies
  • Fungus Gnats
  • German Cockroaches
  • Gnats
  • Grasshoppers
  • Ground Beetles
  • Grubs
  • Gypsy Moth Larvae
  • Hide Beetles
  • Hobo Spiders
  • Hornets
  • Hyperodes Weevils (adult)
  • Japanese Beetles (adult)
  • Jumping Spiders
  • June Beetles (adult)
  • Kudzu Stink Bugs
  • Lace Bugs
  • Lady Beetles
  • Leaf Rollers
  • Leaf Skeletonizers
  • Leaf-Feeding Caterpillars
  • Leafhoppers
  • Leafminers (adult)
  • Leather Beetles
  • Lesser Grain Borers
  • Litter Beetles
  • Long-Bodied Cellar Spiders
  • Lyctid
  • Mealybugs
  • Midges
  • Millipedes
  • Mites
  • Mole Crickets (nymphs and young adults)
  • Mosquitoes
  • Moths
  • Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles
  • Nuisance Ants
  • Old House Borers
  • Oleander Moth Larvae
  • Oriental/Asian Cockroaches
  • Palmetto Bugs
  • Phorid Flies
  • Pill Bugs
  • Pine Sawflies
  • Pine Shoot Beetles
  • Pine Needle Scales (crawlers)
  • Pine Tip Moths
  • Plant Bugs
  • Powder Posts
  • Red Flour Beetles
  • Rice Weevils
  • Root Weevils
  • Saw-Toothed Grain Beetles
  • Sawflies
  • Scale Insects (crawlers)
  • Sciarid Flies
  • Scorpions
  • Seed Bugs
  • Silverfish
  • Sod Webworms
  • Sowbugs
  • Spider Mites
  • Spiders
  • Spittlebugs
  • Springtails
  • Stable Flies
  • Stink Bugs
  • Striped Beetles
  • Striped Oakworms
  • Sugar Ants
  • Thrips
  • Ticks
  • Tip Moths
  • Wasps
  • Western Conifers
  • Wharf Borers
  • Whiteflies
  • Wolf Spiders
  • Wood-Destroy Beetles & Borers
  • Yellow Jackets
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What Kind of Pesticide Does Pestie Use?

When you order Pestie, you’ll receive pro-grade pesticide concentrate. The mixture is tailored to your specific location within the United States because they understand that there is no one-size-fits-all, generic mixture. The company says it partners with pest control manufacturers and experts to select the type of pesticide you need depending on where you live. You’ll receive different pesticides in higher amounts or at different times, depending on the season and the type of bugs that may be thriving in your area at that particular time.

Pestie says their pesticides have been thoroughly tested for safety and efficacy and are similar to what a professional pest control service would use. They can be sprayed on bushes, grass, plants, and trees, but do not apply the spray to fruits or vegetables.

To test it out, we used a Tennessee zip code to discover what our Pestie chemical mixture would entail and here is what we got:

  • Syngenta Arilon/Advion WDG Insecticide (EPA Reg No. 100-1501)
  • Control Solutions CSI 16-145 Lambda Cyhalothrin (EPA Reg No. 53883-389)
  • Syngenta Demand Duo Insecticide (EPA Reg No. 100-1653)
  • Control Solutions, Inc. Delta 4.75% SC (EPA Reg No. 53883-276)
  • Bayer Environmental Science Temprid SC-F Insecticide (EPA Reg No. 432-1544)
  • Pestie Home Barrier S1 (EPA Reg No. 279-3612-100947)

How Do You Apply Pestie?

Everything you need for application will come in a box that is mailed to you. You’ll receive a reusable electronic sprayer, a mixing bag, a pair of gloves, step-by-step instruction guide, and a mixture of the pesticides best for the specific area of the country you live in.

Product shot of Pestie products sitting on a wooden end table

When you’re ready, put on your gloves and fill the application bag to the fill line with water. Next, pour in the pesticide – it will come in either liquid or granular form. If you’re using liquid pesticide – fill the bottle up with water and pour in the mixture, make sure you use all the product. Then, insert the tube from the electronic sprayer, screw it on tight and shake the bag well to make sure everything is mixed together.

The Pestie Pest Plans wand applicator used to spray your yard. It is a white hair curler sized cylinder with a hose that connects to the baggie provided by Pestie

Adjust the nozzle on the sprayer and spray around the foundation of your home to create a perimeter outside. You can spot spray inside, if needed. For safety purposes, Pestie recommends that you wear the gloves provided, long sleeves, long pants, and closed-toed shoes and avoid letting the mixture come into contact with your eyes, skin or clothes.

In addition to the step-by-step instructions, Pestie has an informative video on their website with details on how to mix and use the product.

To help with pollination, it’s important that you not apply Pestie to flowering plants or at times when bees are foraging. To protect the water supply, make sure you do not apply Pestie when it’s windy or raining – or if rain is expected in the next 24 hours. Lastly, do not dump out any remainder you have left – simply retreat areas you’ve already sprayed until the mixture is gone.

Can You Use Pestie Inside Your Home?

The simple answer is yes – you can use Pestie inside your home. The company recommends that you create an outdoor barrier around the perimeter of your home to keep pests from coming inside. But if you have seen pests inside, you can lightly spot treat those areas.

How Long Does Pestie Last?

Pestie recommends reapplying the pest control mixture every two to three months. If you have a subscription with them, they will automatically send the supplies to you when it’s time to reapply.

How Long Does Pestie Take to Dry?

After you’ve applied Pestie, it usually takes around an hour for Pestie’s products to thoroughly dry. You should let it dry completely before letting your children or pets come in contact with it.

How Long Does It Take Pestie to Work?

Pestie products work fairly quickly. The barrier that keeps bugs out starts forming as soon as you start spraying. The protection is expected to last between two and three months.

Pestie Cost

empty starempty starempty starempty starempty star   4.5/5
  • Cheaper than professional pest control services
  • Only has one treatment plan for pest control

There are three different cost options for Pestie Smart Pest Plan program:

Yearly Subscription

With their Smart Pet Plan, you’ll receive four shipments a year of all the products you’ll need to treat your home and yard. This is a prepay and save option where the yearly subscription is paid in full upfront. The cost for a Pestie subscription is $145 paid today for the year, billed quarterly at $35 per kit. We received a discounted estimate of $136 for the year – which is $34 a quarter.

Pay Each Application

Another option is to choose their plan that auto-renews 4 times per year, so you can pay as you go instead of paying for everything up front. You’ll receive a shipment four times a year of the products you need and you’ll pay $45 every quarter. Pestie auto-renews your subscription every quarter, so if you no longer want the service you have to actively cancel it.

One Time Purchase

You can opt for a one-time purchase. You will receive everything you need to treat your pest problem at a single time. The cost is a one-time charge of $55 for just one application. Pestie doesn’t charge you for shipping and the products will ship either the same or next business day. You can cancel your subscription at any time without any fees. The company is headquartered in Utah, but products are available for shipping in all 50 states.

Subscribe And Save

Their Smart Pest Plan, with and without the prepay and save feature, is a subscription service that allows you to decide when you want to receive the product. You can choose from every month or every two, three, four, five, or six months.

Pestie for Pests

Pestie for Pets is a DIY natural flea and tick treatment product for your pets. The product they use is a plant-based spray designed specifically to safely repel and kill fleas and ticks that’s safe for your dogs and cats. The formulation focuses on being both effective against pests without compromising the health of your pets.

The formula uses peppermint, thyme, cedarwood, and rosemary to protect against bugs with natural properties. Peppermint for instance has a strong pest-repelling effect, while thyme is toxic to most insects and interferes with pest hormones and egg‑laying. Moreover, cedarwood is known to kill and repel insects by “disrupting pheromones leading to dehydration and inhibited respiratory function”. Lastly, rosemary has toxic properties and a scent that repels common pests and is toxic to insect larvae.

To apply the product to your pests, the steps are as easy as two steps. Simply spray the product directly onto your pet’s coat including their body, belly, legs and tail, and then rub the spray into your pet’s coat. And that’s all there is to it. They recommend reapplying every 2 to 3 days for best prevention.

Cost wise, there are two options for the Pestie for Pets program:

  1. One-time purchase at 29$ a bottle
  2. Subscribe and save at 24$ a bottle; Scheduled shipments arrive at your discretion every 1-6 months. 

This product from Pestie is a great DIY option for controlling ticks and fleas on your pets. However, if your pet is already on an existing treatment or pest protocol, it might be best to stick with that. In our review of the product with an existing pet owner, they noted how “it’s a good idea if you don’t want quarterly flea and tick treatment for dogs but you have to apply it every 3-5 days which honestly seems like a lot of work to keep repeating”. Regarding cost, Pestie for pets compares with competitors and is fairly budgetable, that is if you are willing to put the time and effort into applying it to your pets.

Pestie Customer Support and Reviews

empty starempty starempty starempty starempty star   4/5
  • No contract required, can be canceled anytime
  • Some customers have experienced problems with shipping and refunds

Pestie should be used for routine, preventative maintenance only. If you are looking for a pest control method to stop a problem before it starts or if you see the occasional bug inside your home – Pestie is a good and effective choice. The company uses professional grade pesticides and the mixture you receive will create a strong barrier around your home to keep bugs out.

But if you have a steady flow of ants or gnats in the kitchen or cockroaches in the pantry – you’ll need to call a professional service. Note that Pestie does not treat bed bugs, so if you wake up and realize you have them, you’ll have to call in a trained technician. They also do not treat termites. So, if you’re looking for preventative services or suspect you have termites, be sure to contact a professional pest control company.

What Reddit Says

Some are pleased…

  • “Then I found pestie and they have excellent customer service, their price is obviously the best. And if I have bug problems in between applications, they send a booster to deal with my specific issue.”
  • “My wife used to complain about bugs around the house and when I sprayed the house with pestie she complains about all the dead bugs around the house.”

Some are skeptical…

  • “It’s good for preventative maintenance since basically anyone can do those types of applications but, if a problem arises, you’re much better off having a professional there to take care of it for you.”
  • “I just tried my first treatment and there was not enough pesticide in their supplied bag to even cover the perimeter of a 1700 sq ft. house, let alone have any left for inside treatments.”

Read Full Thread

If you need help, Pestie offers multiple ways to get in touch. You can email the company at [email protected], send a message on the company’s Facebook page, or start a chat with a customer service representative on the Pestie website. But the company does not have a 24/7 customer support team – so you’ll have to reach out during business hours.

Pestie doesn’t require a contract and you can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting the company’s customer support team. The company also offers a guarantee. If you aren’t happy with the product, they’ll do whatever it takes to make it right. That can include sending you specialty treatments, personalized treatment plans, or a full refund.

You will find high praise for Pestie online. Many customers say the kit is easy to use and the instructions are thorough and detailed. They also like how it’s an affordable way to have regular pest control without the guesswork. Some customers though have complained they didn’t receive their shipment on time or at all, have struggled with getting someone to respond or haven’t been able to get their refund.

Quote mark

We have used Pestie for a year and have been very satisfied. Occasionally have seen an insect but we also had occasional sightings when we had a full service company. Application is easy and effective! Looking forward to the same results for our second year.

Leesa via TrustPilot

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I’m very pleased with the result so far and will be curious how long the barrier lasts and how often I need to spray. But overall I’m extremely pleased with the result. Would recommend to anyone as it’s hard to beat the price and very easy to use.

Aaron via Best Company

Pestie Vs. Professional Exterminator

Pestie uses professional grade pesticide similar to what a professional exterminator would use. Since you are the technician and the products are shipped directly to your door, it is definitely a cheaper option. The company’s products treat more than 100 bugs other than bed bugs and termites. If bed bugs or termites are your concern, you’ll have to call a professional for treatment.

Remember, Pestie is not designed for anyone who has any type of ongoing bug problem or infestation – that will require a professional service. Pestie is an alternative, but fairly effective, service mainly for preventative maintenance. If you have a problem already, Pestie will not be the right choice for you.

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Who Are Pestie’s Competitors?

To some degree, Pestie is a competitor of professional pest control companies. But their biggest competition is Sunday and DoMyOwn – both are subscription-based, do-it-yourself pest control companies.

Pestie Company Background

Pestie was founded by Dillon Jeppesen, Matt Rogers and Jake Berube to offer a strong, cost-efficient, do-it-yourself alternative for pest control. The company launched in 2020 and is headquartered in Lehi, Utah.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for an effective way to do pest control on your own, Pestie is a solid choice. Many customers love the easy to use option. It comes with everything you need to protect your home against bugs, and uses professional grade pesticides at a much cheaper price than using a professional pest control service.

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