Top 1 Pest Control Companies in District of Columbia

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Critter Control
Our Rating: 4.5/5
  • Humane wildlife removal

  • Offers air purification services

  • Staff biologists with innovative solutions

Fast and Free

Phone Estimates

Limited Lifetime Warranty

Unlimited Free Retreatments

Critter Control, Wildlife Service Technician Mr. Antonio Lopez IV 571-407-1544

Vicky T. via yelp

Critter Control, Wildlife Service Technician Mr. Antonio Lopez IV 571-407-1544

Vicky T. via yelp

Took care of our problem the first time we called them, but then launch failure when we called a few years later. Promised to have someone call us back within the hour twice but never happened.

Lee F. via yelp

8/20/20 A few days ago I saw a groundhog eating green grass and minding it's own business on the school property of Luther Jackson Middle School. Evidently a family of groundhog has made its home on the school grounds. I have seen the cute animal in different areas of the football fields. Evidently the green grass and the water source makes this area a hot commodity. Today; however, all this has come to an end. I saw to bages with black bags to hold these animals. I don't know if they are alive or dead, but one way or another they are being transferred off of school grounds. How many groundhogs were living on school property? I do not know. The guy I met who seemed to be the manager said "the groundhogs would be transferred." Yeah, but to where? I enjoyed seeing some wildlife other than humans and dogs. It saddens me I won't see more of these furry little guys. Aside from this, the Critter Control d ij d their jobs.

John F. via yelp

Technican arrived on time and did a great job, but the price was high for the amount of work done.

Erick M. via yelp

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Pest Control in District of Columbia

Residents of the District of Columbia may encounter a variety of pests that can disrupt their peace of mind and property. One common nuisance is rodents. With their ability to squeeze through tiny openings, mice and rats can invade homes, contaminate food, and damage structures. These pests reproduce rapidly, making it crucial to address an infestation promptly to prevent a larger issue.

Additionally, the District of Columbia's warm and humid climate creates an ideal environment for insect pests like mosquitoes and termites. Mosquitoes not only cause itchy bites but also transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika virus. Termites, on the other hand, pose a significant threat to homes and buildings as they silently consume wood, potentially leading to costly repairs.

To safeguard homes and maintain a pest-free environment, residents of the District of Columbia can benefit from professional pest control services. Expert technicians can identify the specific pests causing issues and develop customized treatment plans to effectively eliminate them. By proactively addressing these pest problems, residents can ensure the comfort and safety of their living spaces.

District of Columbia Requires Year Round Pest Control

Pest control services are crucial in the District of Columbia, as pests can pose significant threats to both households and businesses. From rodents to insects, these unwelcome guests can cause damage to structures, contaminate food sources, spread diseases, and create an unpleasant living or working environment. It is important to address pest issues promptly to prevent further infestation and mitigate potential health risks. By hiring a professional pest control exterminator with local expertise, residents and businesses can benefit from specialized knowledge and tailored solutions for the unique pest challenges in the District of Columbia.

  • January: Rodents seeking shelter from the cold may infiltrate buildings, requiring effective rodent control measures.
  • February: Termites often become active during this month, necessitating termite inspections and treatments.
  • March: As the weather warms up, ants and spiders may start to emerge, necessitating ant and spider control services.
  • April: Mosquitoes and ticks begin to appear, increasing the risk of vector-borne diseases and requiring mosquito and tick control measures.
  • May: Bees and wasps become more active, making bee and wasp control essential for preventing stings and allergic reactions.
  • June: Squirrels and raccoons may become a nuisance, requiring wildlife control to prevent property damage.
  • July: Bed bug infestations tend to peak during the summer months, necessitating thorough bed bug inspections and treatments.
  • August: Flies can become prevalent, posing hygiene concerns and requiring fly control measures.
  • September: Fall brings about an increase in rodent activity as they seek shelter for the upcoming winter, emphasizing the need for rodent control.
  • October: As temperatures drop, spiders may seek refuge indoors, making spider control necessary.
  • November: Cockroaches can thrive in warm indoor environments during the colder months, requiring effective cockroach control.
  • December: With the holiday season, increased food consumption may attract pantry pests like moths and beetles, necessitating pantry pest control.
  • January: Rodent control
  • February: Termite inspections and treatments
  • March: Ant and spider control
  • April: Mosquito and tick control
  • May: Bee and wasp control
  • June: Wildlife control
  • July: Bed bug inspections and treatments
  • August: Fly control
  • September: Rodent control
  • October: Spider control
  • November: Cockroach control
  • December: Pantry pest control.
  • Get Free Assistance in District of Columbia

    The District of Columbia offers various resources to assist residents with pest, wildlife, and animal control, as well as invasive plant and animal issues. One valuable resource is the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). They provide information and guidance on managing common pests and wildlife encounters, along with tips on preventing and addressing invasive species.

    For pest control, the DOEE recommends contacting licensed pest control companies that operate within the District. Residents can find a list of licensed companies through the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. Additionally, the DOEE offers guidance on addressing specific pests such as rodents, bed bugs, and mosquitoes.

    When it comes to wildlife and animal control, the DOEE advises residents to contact the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA). The HRA offers assistance with animal-related concerns, including the removal of nuisance wildlife and the humane trapping of feral cats.

    In regards to invasive plants and animals, the DOEE encourages residents to report any sightings to the DOEE's Invasive Species Program. They provide information on identifying and managing invasive species, and residents can reach out to them via email at [email protected] or by calling (202) 535-2600.

    Remember, it is always advisable to consult with professionals and adhere to local regulations when dealing with pest, wildlife, or invasive plant and animal issues.